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Over 5,500 motorists arrested during the festive season

Old Mutual Illness| Bernadette
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JOHANNESBURG – Over 5,500 motorists have been arrested for various offences this festive season.
This includes drinking and driving, speeding, and reckless driving.
READ: Holiday Traffic | Security beefed up at Beitbridge border post
Simon Zwane from the Road Traffic Management Corporation says the festive season has been a challenging one especially during stormy weather.
Zwane said, “it’s been a challenging festive season. It had three long weekends. ”
“There were many people traveling. Even coming back, they started coming back on New Years eve and we see that traffic is still busy for the whole of this week.”
“It’s been a very challenging period also made complicated by heavy rains experienced throughout the country.”
“Officers have stopped and checked more than 1.2 million vehicles and have issued 300 000 traffic fines for various offences and they have arrested 5700 motorists for different offences, including drunk a driving and those who produce false documents including speeding, negligence and reckless driving.”
